Dialysis Saves Dogs From Overdose

DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital helped save the lives of two dogs, Mia and Kodak, from a potentially fatal overdose using an innovative dialysis technology called Total Plasma Exchange (TPE.) This dialysis machine, rarely used in veterinary medicine, underscores the hospital’s commitment to leading-edge care.

Mia and Kodak were referred to DoveLewis after their family came home to find naproxen, a pain reliever that can be deadly to pets, on the floor. Despite presenting with normal laboratory results upon admission at the other local clinic and at DoveLewis—a rare sign of hope given the circumstances—their family opted for a proactive approach given the mystery of whether one or both dogs ingested the medication and in what quantity. Leveraging the unique capabilities of the cutting-edge Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) machine, both dogs underwent TPE for several hours to extract the toxin directly from their bloodstream.

"Both Mia and Kodak responded exceptionally well to the TPE treatment, showing no subsequent organ damage and maintaining normal kidney function throughout their recovery," said Dr. Lindsey McGuire, DVM. "Having a dialysis machine is something that is rare for veterinary hospitals to have, but we’re excited to be able to offer families a new way to combat pet toxin emergencies."

Mia and Kodak’s recovery was swift and steady, with both dogs displaying excellent appetites and normal behavior within days of the procedure. They have since been released from the hospital and have happily recovered at home, much to the relief of their grateful family.

As a leader in advanced veterinary care, DoveLewis is expanding treatment possibilities with its growing use of the CRRT machine. The successful treatment of Mia and Kodak showcases the effectiveness of this innovative approach in critical care situations. Their recovery has not only proven the potential of advanced therapies but also inspired wider adoption of these techniques throughout the hospital. This commitment to pioneering new methods enhances the capability to tackle complex emergencies, solidifying DoveLewis' role at the forefront of veterinary medicine.

Source: DoveLewis Emergency & Specialty Hospital

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