Photo: Ford, Brad
Garbage, recycling, and compost collection was postponed for many customers this week due to hazardous road conditions caused by snow and ice. Delays will likely continue through next week as garbage companies catch up on missed collections.
The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability asks Portlanders to set their garbage, recycling, and compost bins out on their normal collection day and if bins are not emptied, they should be left at the curb. Garbage companies will come as soon as soon as they can.
Garbage companies will collect this Saturday, if roads are safe, as they try to make up for missed collections earlier in the week. Portland’s garbage and recycling companies appreciate your patience as they work to keep collection drivers and the community safe.
Picking up garbage will be the top priority
Recycling and compost collection may be delayed until next week. If your compost or recycling bins are not emptied before your next collection day, you can set out an extra week's worth of materials at no additional cost.
How to set out extra recycling and yard waste if yours is missed
If you’ve got more recycling and yard waste than can fit in your bins next week due to missed collections this week, here’s how to set out extras:
- Recycling: Put recyclables in a cardboard box or a paper bag and set next to your blue recycling bin.
- Cardboard: Flatten boxes and cut cardboard into smaller pieces to fit as much as possible into your recycling bin. Then flatten all remaining cardboard, bundle it together, secure the bundle with tape, and lean the bundle against your blue recycling bin.
- Glass: Set out any rigid plastic container filled with glass bottles and jars next to your regular glass recycling bin. A 5-gallon bucket with a few holes drilled in the bottom to let rain through works well.
- Yard waste: Leaves, branches, or other yard waste can be placed in a yard waste bag or can (32 gallons and 45 pounds max each). Branches can be bundled and tied securely with string or twine (do not use wire). Branches cannot exceed 36 inches in length and 4 inches in diameter. Set bags, cans, or bundles next to your green compost bin.
Find more information about setting out extras and how to dispose of large branches and stumps at
More information
Find up-to-date service delay information at
Sign up to receive weekly garbage day reminders, including delay information, at
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