Photo: Ford, Brad
Photo: City of Corvallis
Shortly before 3 a.m. on October 27, the Corvallis Fire Department was dispatched to a fire alarm at Bloss Hall, a 7-story dormitory on Oregon State University’s campus. While crews were still responding, smoke was reported in the building and the response was upgraded to a first alarm. The first alarm response included a battalion chief, ladder truck, three fire engines, and a medic unit.
Fire crews arrived to find fire alarms sounding throughout the building and students evacuating. Firefighters made entry and found visible smoke on the first floor of the dorm. Analysis of the building’s alarm system found additional reports of smoke elsewhere in the building.
Firefighters made entry into the basement and found the source of the smoke: a fire in the basement near the building’s ventilation system. Firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the fire and ensure the building was fully evacuated.
By that point, smoke had spread through all levels of the building, including most student living areas, via the HVAC system. Corvallis Fire crews worked for several hours to ventilate all levels of the structure to allow the building’s fire alarm system to be fully restored. This work was completed just after 6 a.m. Residents were able to return and Oregon State’s facilities staff was able to take over the cleanup operation. No injuries were reported among residents.
This response required a significant portion of CFD’s available firefighting and medical resources. Other calls for service, including serious medical calls and a carbon monoxide alarm, occurred while firefighters were on scene at Bloss Hall. CFD is grateful for the mutual aid provided by the Albany Fire Department during this busy night in Corvallis.
Source: City of Corvallis