Photo: Ford, Brad
Officials with the City of Oregon City unveiled the winning suggestion for the Name The Street Sweeper Contest Tuesday.
The new street sweeper will be named C-SweeP0, a play off of the gold-colored android from the Star Wars movies. The name was suggested by 7-year-old Kennedy Gibb of Oregon City.
“We had a lot of great suggestions from the kids, and each of the five finalists garnered substantial support on Facebook,” said Oregon City Communications Manager Jarrod Lyman. “In the end, it was Kennedy's suggestion that came out ahead.”
First announced to coincide with National Public Works Week May 21 – 27, the contest consisted of one round of submissions where anyone under the age of 17 was eligible. Those suggestions had to be turned in at the Oregon City Library. A committee of Public Works and other City employees chose the top five names from that group, which were then posted on the City’s Facebook page for a second round of votes, where followers could “like” their favorite choice.
The announcement was made during the annual Touch-A-Truck event, organized by the Oregon City Library. Kids get a chance to get up close and personal with all sorts of large pieces of equipment, from fire trucks and law enforcement vehicles, to bulldozers and the CCTV truck Oregon City Public Works uses to inspect pipes, among others.
The sweeper, which is replacing another owned by the City that has reached the end of its operational life, will arrive this fall and have Kennedy’s submission printed on the side, along with her name. She will also have the opportunity to go on a ride in the sweeper when it arrives.
“We appreciate everyone who took part in either coming up with names or voting for their favorites. Oregon City once again showed its close sense of community by coming together for this fun contest,” said Lyman.
Source: Oregon City