The minimum wage rates in Oregon will increase on July 1, 2023.
The minimum wage rates will increase as follows:
- Standard Minimum Wage: $14.20 per hour
- Portland Metro Minimum Wage: $15.45 per hour
- Non-Urban Minimum Wage: $13.20 per hour
The law requires an adjustment to the minimum wage to be calculated no later than April 30 of each year based upon any increase in the U.S. City Average Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) for All Urban Consumers for All Items from March of the preceding year to March of the year in which the calculation is made. This amount is required to be rounded to the nearest five cents.
The current standard minimum wage rate is $13.50. Based on an increase in the CPI of 5.0% from March 2022 to March 2023, the calculation used for determining the standard minimum wage rate as of July 1, 2023 is as follows:
$13.50 X .05 = $0.675, rounded to $0.70.
The Portland metro minimum wage is $1.25 more than the standard minimum wage, and the non-urban minimum wage is $1.00 less than the standard minimum wage.
Oregon employers are required to post minimum wage posters. Downloadable posters reflecting the new minimum wage rates as of July 1, 2023 will be available on BOLI’s website free of charge by June 1, 2023. We expect this increase in earnings of low-wage workers to positively impact consumer spending and boost the economy.
Source: Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries