Oregon Legislature Approves $50 Million Project Turnkey 2.0

March 10, 2022 – Oregon Community Foundation and Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) announced today that they’re poised to launch Project Turnkey 2.0 following the Oregon Legislative session which included $50 million to pay for the program that turns buildings into shelters for people experiencing homelessness. The funding is part of a budget bill that has gone to Gov. Kate Brown to sign.

“Oregon Housing and Community Services is an eager partner with Oregon Community Foundation in the implementation of Project Turnkey 2.0,” said Mike Savara, OHCS Assistant Director of Homeless Services. “This innovative program has proven results across the state. This second round of resources will help support low-income communities that have been devastated by COVID and to address one of Oregon’s most prolonged challenges — our housing crisis.” 

Project Turnkey 2.0 will aim to stand up approximately 10 emergency shelters in the state by converting motels/hotels and perhaps other kinds of properties such as small apartment buildings or dormitories. Properties will be owned and operated by local nonprofit organizations and entities (such as cities or counties), who will be selected through an equitable application process. 

“Housing is one of the biggest challenges facing our state,” said Max Williams, President and CEO, Oregon Community Foundation. "We’re proud to partner with the state to rapidly and effectively expand shelter in Oregon through Project Turnkey 2.0.”

Project Turnkey 2.0 Advisory Committee

Guided by the Project Turnkey 2.0 Advisory Committee, Oregon Community Foundation will ensure that projects and grantees selected are supported by the community and respond to local needs.

Advisory Committee members will participate in the review and recommendation of state-funded Project Turnkey 2.0 grants. The Project Turnkey 2.0 Advisory Committee includes community leaders and members of nonprofit organizations providing culturally and regionally specific services. 

As of March 10, 2022, the Project Turnkey 2.0 Advisory Committee includes:


“Project Turnkey serves as a model for transitional and supportive housing. Given the increased issues related to housing and homelessness, Project Turnkey creates a roadmap for others around the country as they grapple with similar issues,” said William Miller, Government Affairs Manager, Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA). “This work brings together diverse perspectives, community members, and organizations to guide and determine which organizations are best positioned to address the unique needs of those in their local communities.”

About Project Turnkey

“As a statewide community foundation, we see the ripple effects from the housing crisis in communities throughout Oregon. Project Turnkey is one important strategy to deliver both near-term and long-term stable housing to our most vulnerable neighbors in need,” said Megan Loeb, OCF’s Senior Program Officer, Economic Vitality and Housing. “Project Turnkey sites not only provide safe places for people to sleep, but they also provide critical support – including access to medical and social services as well as computers and laundry facilities."

Project Turnkey 2.0 (2022-2023)

Based on the success of the Project Turnkey 1.0, and in the face on ongoing need for emergency shelter, on March 4, 2022, the Oregon Legislature allocated $50 million in new funding for more emergency shelters around the state for Project Turnkey 2.0. An application will be available on the OCF website in the weeks ahead. 

OCF and OHCS Roles

Oregon Community Foundation serves as the grantor and fiduciary, administering state-funded Project Turnkey 2.0 grants. Oregon Housing and Community Services will provide advice and support for OCF as the State’s Housing Finance Agency. Additionally, OHCS has received resources to administer funds to the recipients of Project Turnkey 2.0 for their first year of operational support. This includes ongoing monitoring and oversight of these funds and the projects they support.

Source: Oregon Housing and Community Services

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