More than 18,000 Applications In Oregon For Emergency Rental Assistance


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Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) and Local Program Administrators (LPAs) make strong steady progress on processing applications for the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP).

As of Friday, OHCS and LPAs have paid $119.9 million in federal emergency rental assistance to 18,203 applicants, up from $110.5 million and 16,877 applicants last week. The agency is ranked 6th in the nation in the percentage of funds paid and obligated.

Progress and Updated Numbers

Through its three-point plan, OHCS and its processing partner, Public Partnerships LLC (PPL), have made significant strides to drive rapid application processing in the past several weeks. Currently 105 PPL staff are processing applications on behalf of counties with applications outside the 60-/90-day safe harbor period. In the past week, PPL processed close to 700 applications, exceeding their 500-application target.

To date, OHCS and LPAs have:

• Paid $119,942,913 to landlords and tenants to help 18,203 Oregon households, over $20 million in the past two weeks alone.

• Processed and obligated an additional $35.8 million in funds for 3,963 households.

• Received more than $343.2 million in funding requests via applications.

• Received more than 44,861 completed applications.

Visit the OERAP dashboard for more data.

Applications in Review Process

About 18,630 applications are in the review process. Our agency is tracking when a tenant completes an OERAP application and the number of applicants that have not been paid outside of the 60-day window (90 days in Multnomah County and unincorporated areas of Washington County). The 60-/90-day window of protection begins when a tenant shows proof they applied for the program. However, this data is not currently available. Applications outside the 60-/90-day window are being moved from the LPA in their county to PPL.

This graph below shows the geographic areas with the highest numbers of applications outside the 60- and 90-day windows of protection as of Nov. 4. This graph does not include applications outside the 60-/90-day window from counties that received ERA funding directly from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

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