Vaccination Lottery Scholarships Announced

Governor Kate Brown today announced the five $100,000 scholarship winners of the Take Your Shot, Oregon campaign. Oregonians aged 12 to 17 who had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine were eligible for the drawing. 

The winners are:

  • Joshua Greco, 14, Damascus, entering 9th grade
  • Maya Kolaric, 14, Portland, entering 9th grade
  • Nola Miller, 15, Portland, entering 10th grade
  • Laney Myers, 15, Grants Pass, entering 10th grade
  • Mia W., 12, Tigard, entering 7th grade

“I’m incredibly grateful for our scholarship winners, and all the young Oregonians who took their shot to get vaccinated and protect themselves and their families from COVID-19,” said Governor Kate Brown. “If you have been waiting to get vaccinated and still have questions, call your family doctor or health care provider and get your questions answered today.”

“I am excited about the education and job training opportunities these Oregon College Savings Plan scholarships offer to our five winners,” said State Treasurer Tobias Read. “This is a win-win: these students made a wise investment to get vaccinated, to protect themselves and others, and Oregon made a very wise investment in their education and career goals.”

Laney Myers of Grants Pass said she got the vaccine for a couple of reasons:

“I got the vaccines to be better protected against COVID because I’m exposed by my parents who work in health care and I also want to help prevent spread in my community.”

Asked if the incentive drawing had anything to do with her decision to get the vaccine, Myers said, “I would have gotten the vaccines regardless. I talked to my mom about the scholarship right after I got my second shot. We talked about what an amazing opportunity that would be for someone, but I never thought I would win.”

The scholarship prizes were the result of a partnership between the Governor’s Office, the Oregon State Treasury, the Oregon College Savings Plan, the Oregon Health Authority, and the Oregon Lottery.

The Oregon State Treasury will oversee the college savings prizes. Prize dollars will be placed in Oregon College Savings Plan accounts with the parent or legal guardian serving as the account owner, and the youth receiving the prize designated as the beneficiary. Oregon College Savings Plan accounts are simple to manage and flexible. Funds can be used for post-secondary education, including trade school, public and private colleges and universities, community college, and apprenticeships.

Source: Oregon Governor's Office

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