Photo: CDC
Governor Kate Brown announced today that Clackamas County will be moving to the Lower Risk level, effective as soon as they achieve a 65% first dose vaccination rate for adults. The county has also submitted an equity plan to the state. When county movements for this week were announced on June 8, the county was just short of reaching that 65% goal. The county made a concerted push to reach 65% since then.
“I want to highlight Clackamas County and their work,” said Governor Brown. “To reach this goal, Clackamas County’s public health nurses administered over 1,000 vaccines to homebound residents, and they’ve worked with all 10 school districts in the county to bring the vaccine directly to those schools for students and families. Incredible work.”
Governor Brown made the announcement today in a press conference with state epidemiologist Dr. Dean Sidelinger and Dave Baden, lead executive for the vaccination program at the Oregon Health Authority.
Foreclosure moratorium extended, rental and landlord assistance available
The Governor also announced today that she has extended Oregon’s mortgage foreclosure moratorium until September 30, 2021. House Bill 2009, recently passed by the Legislature, authorizes Governor Brown to extend the mortgage foreclosure moratorium period for homeowners, for two successive three-month periods beyond June 30.
In Senate Bill 282, the Legislature did not give similar authority to Governor Brown to extend the eviction moratorium for tenants beyond June 30. The Governor’s Office is working with the Legislature to pass a bill to give tenants who have applied for rent assistance safe harbor from eviction.
Governor Brown noted that historic amounts of rental assistance are now available in Oregon to pay current and past due rent, and urged Oregonians to apply as soon as possible:
“Housing is a basic human need, which is why I have worked with the Legislature and our congressional delegation to devote state and federal resources to ensure that Oregonians have a warm, dry, safe place to live during this pandemic.
“To the thousands of Oregonians who lost jobs and fell behind on their rent during the pandemic: Apply today for rental assistance to pay your July rent.
“Fortunately, over $200 million in federal rental assistance is available now. Apply today at"
Take Your Shot, Oregon website launches, veterans and others who received shots from federal or out-of-state sites can now make sure they are entered to win
Governor Brown also announced the launch of today. The website contains information about the Take Your Shot, Oregon campaign and answers frequently asked questions. The website also allows veterans, all others who have received a federally-administered vaccine dose, Oregonians vaccinated out-of-state, and those who were vaccinated during a clinical trial to make sure they are entered to win. Oregonians can make sure they are entered to win by filling out a simple online form, available here.
Source: Oregon Governor's Office