Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio

PM Show Hr 1 | The Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches are Leftist Propaganda Machines

PM Show Hr 2 | Let's Get Rid of NPR

AM Show Hr 1 | Cornyn Faces a Challenger, Foreman Honored, & AOC’s Rent-a-Rally

AM Show Hr 2 | Olives, Oil, and Grit: The Fight to Keep a Family Business Alive

AM Show Hr 3 | Old Folks, Astros Takes, and a Venezuelan Gunman—Plus the Return of the Scout

PM Show Hr 1 | Trump: People Hate Him Because They Ain't Him

PM Show Hr 2 | Illegals are Bankrupting California and Democrat Cities

AM Show Hr 1 | Joe Espada’s Call-Up Moment, a Fake Dentist Strikes Again

AM Show Hr 2 | Unhinged Opinions, Nosy Neighbors, and Stephen A. Being... Stephen A.

AM Show Hr 3 | Ramon Rants, Aerosmith Rocks, and ABC13 Reaches New Levels of Silly