The Oregon opioid abuse in Oregon is all too real. Oregon is one of 10 states with the worst abuse problem. This is the call to action from Dwight Holton of Lines for Life - please do what you can:
"I am sick and tired of meeting moms and dads who've lost children to the opioid crisis. As someone who attended our Rx Summits, I know you are as well.
Well, today, three courageous moms who lost kids to overdose have taken a stand in support of two important bills currently being considered in Salem.
In an op ed in the Oregonian, these moms called on the legislature to
• Establish a disposal system for leftover prescription drugs - so it's as easy to get rid of leftover pills as it is to get the pills in the first place
• Create peer review for prescribers to help ensure safe opioid prescribing -
a concept supported by the Oregon Medical Association
These moms need your help to get these bills passed. Both bills are stuck in committee - and only people power can get them moving.
So: I'd like to ask you to do three things right now - time is of the essence:
- Call the Co-Chairs of the Ways and Means Committee and urge them to bring the Rx Disposal Bill (HB2645) and the Prescriber Peer Review Bill (HB 2518) to the floor for final passage.
* Sen. Richard Devlin: 503-986-1719
* Rep. Nancy Nathanson: 503-986-1413
- Post on social media - Facebook and Twitter - in support of these bills, with a link to the op ed and the Co-Chairs' contact information
- E-mail five friends and ask them to call the Co-Chairs - you can just forward this message.
Let's help the legislature save lives and families from the pain and shattered dreams these moms and their families have suffered. Please act now!"