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We're back from our 11th annual Mancation to Las Vegas. It's our migration south for warmer weather and golf we started all those years ago, and, as usual, it was too short. Without Dave we decided to rotate our kids through the fourth slot. Last year Dave's son joined us, this year Brad's son played (too well -- he might not be invited back!) and next year Mark's son will play. Works out perfectly.
And we did get to visit Dave's Mancation resting place, the spot on the unmentioned tee box at the unnamed golf course where we left some of his ashes for us to visit each year. That moment, by the way, was eerie. I personally said a silent prayer to my former occupational partner when I was overwhelmed with a feeling that he was there -- and that feeling was one of peace and joy -- joy that we were there together with him one more time. Even more eerie, later on each of us admitted we ALL felt that same sensation. (Cue Twilight Zone music).
With little sleep we got back home Monday morning in time for the radio show. Now it's time to sleep.