The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


New Task Force Could Expose The Government's DARKEST Secrets

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has been tapped to lead the House Oversight Committee's "Task Force on Declassification of Federal Secrets." This task force will look into declassifying information on the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations, UAPs/UFOs, the Jeffrey Epstein client list, the origins of COVID-19, 9/11, and more. But Glenn has a few questions, including whether getting Congress involved will slow the process down. Rep. Luna clears up the confusion and says that Trump appointees, like AG Pam Bondi and, hopefully, FBI Director Kash Patel, will still make the big decisions. Plus, she addresses criticism of her promise to subpoena witnesses related to the JFK assassination.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Anna Paulina Luna is with me now from Congress.

She's just been appointed to lead the task force on declassification of federal secrets. Anna, welcome. How are you?

ANNA: Hey, Glenn. Happy to be back on. Thank you!

GLENN: Okay. Now, I just have to say, yesterday, unbeknownst to me before you are appointed, I was on a show with Patrick Bet-David.

And I said, within 15 days, they are going to release the client list for Jeffrey Epstein. No way! That can't be true. And I said, I'm telling you, Kash Patel, I talked to him over the summer. He is for radical transparency. It's in the hands of the director of the FBI.

I think he does it day number one. Let's give him a few days to settle in. They didn't believe me. They said, we're going to track this.

So, Anna, you're going to make me look bad.

And I don't care if lives are destroyed or whatever. But you can't make me look bad.

VOICE: No! You know, we actually also sent a letter yesterday to the Department of Justice. As you know, Pam Bondi is heading up that organization, and we also asked for it there. But I also -- I'm in the same belief, that Kash will get confirmed.

I think he will absolutely be pushing for radical transformation. I also too like to point out, you know, at the same time, that we're basically announcing our press conference at the declassification passports, we actually also found out that the SPI just so happened to locate thousands of pages of previously undiscovered JFK files.

So, look, I know a lot of people are like, well, the American people need to see the information first, and you actually will see it.

It will be declassified. But the reason why we're doing the task force is, A, just because President Trump signed an executive order doesn't mean that bureaucrats and even Intelligence agencies won't attempt to block it.

So we want to make sure that's followed through. We do have punitive authority to hold them accountable, if they don't, A.

And then, B, I think it's incredibly important to look at the evidence that we know now. Which is sure as heck a lot different than what they had even 60 years ago, and what we're finding. What we're finding, and from what I have looked at.

To stuff that's already out there. Also, too, taking into account, many of the doctors that were actually at that initial responding -- or at that initial hospital. I do think that there were two shooters.

And I think the whole Magic Bully theory that the Warren commission pushed, I think that was faulty.

I know another president at the time, also believed that that was a faulty theory.

And so, you know, I'm eager to accommodate this. I know that there's many Democrats and Republicans that also want to get to the bottom of this.

And I am simply asking the questions that every American has been asking for decades.

GLENN: So I have a very good friend, Paul Biets (phonetic), who has the museum of the American soldier in Texas. And he had -- he spent a long time to get the exact right gun, the way it was modified. A scope and everything else, and he just had it redone. And I have to tell you, I've held it.

I will take it out to the range next week. I've held the gun, looked through the scope.

I just don't think you could do it. I mean, it's just so difficult!

ANNA: There were reports from doctors at the time, some of which were first and second-year med students who were at the hospital, in the room where Kennedy was brought. And they reported an entry wound in the neck. From some of the footage that you can see.

Video of Kennedy being shot.

But also the doctors that ran the autopsies at Bethesda, Maryland, had reported seeing an entry wound in the back. And so we're talking about multiple shots here.

I think the whole idea that they would try to just ignore the evidence, or at least try to bury that, and not even answer the question. Is suspect to me. And so I think the whole idea of wanting to push against declassification or even trying to pooh-pooh the evidence that has now been brought to the forefront.

Look, the obligation of the US government to release this to the American people -- Kennedy was arguably one of the most popular presidents, and he was assassinated.

So why did they try so hard to push back against any questioning?

And that's where I come in.

And where the task force comes in.

You know, I'm also telling people, if you're seeing people with large -- especially, pushing against declassification or attempting to discredit. And I thought, immediately after my press conference, try to discredit the efforts of Congress to actually follow through and get this done.

In my opinion, bad actors are just on both sides. If you really have nothing to hide, then you should not be afraid of the questioning.

You shouldn't be afraid of information getting out to the American people.

GLENN: Let me push back on a couple of things, just from, you know, playing devil's advocate.

ANNA: Yeah.

GLENN: Why would you start with the JFK? Why is that even important?

It happened a year before I was born. Yesterday was my 61st birthday. How is this relevant? How is this relevant?

ANNA: I think -- so when we chose to kind of go through the timelines. It's the MLK files and the JFK files that are going to be released first.

So we wanted to help go through that information. And then also clip some of the historical narratives that were painted on these assassinations.

Obviously, confirming -- or holding hearings to actually present you evidence, I think is important for knowing and fully understanding the story, right?

So that's the first thing.

GLENN: Are these going to be open hearings?

ANNA: Yeah. These are all open. And the reason I want them open. Is because I think the American people will go through the evidence. I am also going to be doing something similar to what I did, to the UAP hearings, which allowed people to ask questions. We're also bringing in experts.

There's a few individuals that I want to bring in. From the previous investigations. That actually were pointing out some pretty incredible evidence, that pointed potentially second shooter.

And they were pooh-poohed. And I think those people deserve a platform.

And if we find anything, it's -- you know, having Kash confirmed is incredibly important. He's also going to bring forward -- I would argue, that have been hidden from the American people.

So this is obviously a big effort. We're not perfect. But we do know that the American people deserve this.

And what we're fighting for is total and complete transparency.

GLENN: The other pushback question I have. And this one is actually pretty sincere from me.

And that is, once we get Congress involved. Then we're re-litigating everything.

The more Congress gets involved, the slower it will happen.

And the higher the percentage is.

It's just not going to come out. We will just get pages and pages of redacted crap.

LINDY: Well, so the whole purpose and objective of this task force is to actually ensure, with President Trump's executive order. That the agencies and the bureaucrats in those agencies, do exactly what that executive order says, which is to declassify it.

So we're not going to be siloing or holding any information, that won't be available to the American people.

So this is all going to be out there.

You will be able to go through it yourself. It will be online from what I gather.

Similar to how they've declassified previous documents from the FBI and the CIA.

So, again, we are simply, reopening the investigation with new evidence. Also, bringing in credible witnesses that will be verified and confirmed via House Oversight, the committee itself.

And we are going to be opening this up to the American people.

So you will access to the same documents that we are looking at.

We are simply ensuring, we will not get blockaded. Or this information is not siloed.

GLENN: Unbelievable.

And when do we get to the things?

By the way, the answer for me, the answer to my first question to you, was, it's relevant. Because I think they've been doing this kind of stuff forever.

And it shows a pattern. If they were doing it in 63. What are they doing now?

I just don't think -- go ahead.

ANNA: You know what is interesting is, if you ask those questions. There are some people.

And to be clear, these people largely exist in the media. And they're largely bad actors.

When you have someone, instead of answering the question, and having a respectful dialogue. To discredit something as a conspiracy theory or try to gaslight into you thinking, you should not be asking the question. That's when you know they are hiding something.

GLENN: Right.

ANNA: So I've talked to many Democrats. Many well-known Democrats. That are just like, we want in on this task force. Because we have questions.

And it just doesn't sit right. Look, this -- this entire task force. I don't believe that this would be possible. Had President Trump not gotten into office.

Had our CIA director not been confirmed. Had there not been people placed in positions of power, that are true ideologues like you and I.

You know, to be clear, I think that also Marco Rubio played a part at -- the Secretary of State's office.

I think that, you know, there are going to be many people. And some of these investigations that will at least give us access to whatever information.

Look, we've asked to declassify everything I've list in that press conference.

COVID-19 origin. 9/11 files. Look what just came out yesterday.

We find out that the FBI was basically ordering lunch for someone that was working with the pilots that crashed the plane into the twin towers. I mean, that's ridiculous. And that's all coming out now.

And that's why we ask these questions on the 9/11 files.

How could it have been prevented? How much did the government truly know?

I mean, look, I could care less if people think I'm crazy for doing this.

I can tell you, I am joined by many high-profile people in Congress, Democrats who have the same questions. And so we are not going to stop.

GLENN: Jeffrey Epstein. When is that coming out?

ANNA: Well, I have the letter out to Pam Bondi. I know Kash Patel has been supportive of it.

So hopefully, once they're confirmed, previously they said that the Epstein list could not be released. This is mind you, under Biden's Department of Justice because there was an open case.

Right? That's what they kept pointing to.

You hear that Pam Bondi. Before she was confirmed.

She called for the release of the Jeffrey Epstein client list. So we're pushing for it. Go ahead.

GLENN: So will Pam and Kash be the ones to make the decision, we're going to release it? They will be the ones.

ANNA: Yes, they will be the ones.

Again, I'm going off what we were told as the previous administrations. But what they were saying, that there was an open investigation.

So I believe that Pam has the authority to release that. And, look, I don't believe that any of that should have been classified.

If there are people that were doing bad things. We should know about it.

GLENN: It's unbelievable.

I mean, radical transparency.

It is the only thing that will heal our nation.

Is if we deal with all of the corruption that we have been dealing with. That we know has happened.

And if we can get an honest look.

You know, maybe. Maybe the Warren commission was right.

I don't know.

CAROL: We should be able to know that, and look at the evidence for ourselves. Yes.

GLENN: Yes. All of the evidence. All of the evidence. Without protecting anybody.

Anna, thank you.

It's got to be -- what was it like to be -- did you get the call from the president?

How did this work?

ANNA: Initially, in full transparency, this was actually supposed to -- the task force looked a little bit different. And I chose to expand it. Because even our investigators said, there's a lot here. If we're truly -- our absolute objective is to begin restoring trust in the relationship with the American people.

We have to go into these, you know, different theories. Going to these cases. And investigate. And actually find the truth. And let the American people decide.

I agree with them.

Also, Glenn. There were two other members that were potentially going to be taking over the initial task force.

And they turned it downed, because there was a climate of fear, that it was considered dangerous territory.

And what I will tell you, I do not believe that it's dangerous territory. Because we have, you know, the 800-pound gorilla in the White House, and our allies in the Intelligence Agencies. That are pushing for this.

So it's not just one person. I think where you had, you know, previous historical -- it was one person that was leading up the charge.

But when it's a group effort pushing for this, it's -- it's a systematic change that occurred.

And so in my opinion, I think I'm going to be okay.

But, you know, a lot of people. I had a reporter that called me actually, a very well-known reporter from Fox News yesterday said, it's interesting.

One of the initial reporters that had reported that there were three shots heard at the JFK assassination. One that was -- one of the prizes for writing. And he actually committed suicide several years later.

Stuff like that has happened in the past. And I just -- I'm in the perspective and belief, that right now, we have a very small window of time. To bring true change. You see everything happening with USAID.

Mike Benz has been uncovering a lot. Elon Musk has been uncovering a lot.

But there are a lot of good people that are really cleaning the system. You saw 40,000 federal employees resigned. Or not resigned, but chose to leave the workforce.

So you're seeing a big change happen, and I'm not saying that this is a complete fix. But it definitely is going to change I think our country long-term and historically.

I'll also tell you this, Glenn. Yesterday, after we made the announcement, I felt a massive orchestrated campaign, specifically coming from a lot of other people that had typically been political on social media. That were trying to discredit what I was saying about potential witnesses, and trying to spin it.

And the reason why they were doing it, is because the Warren Commission presented a faulty theory on the bullet. The magic bullet theory.

To think that that was how Kennedy was taken out. And the Texas governor --

GLENN: But they were -- they were saying, nobody is alive. So who were you going to --

ANNA: Yeah, that's not true. First of all, I was using the Warren commission, as an example of the commissions that have been set up. The hearings that have been set up. But who we are actually looking to subpoena. I don't want to say their names yet.

GLENN: No. No. No.

ANNA: Are individuals that, A, were -- are at Bethesda, in the room during the 8:00 p.m. autopsy that the military did. Individuals that were on the assassination board, that that did not agree with the findings initially with the new evidence coming out. I think that they will -- it will reflect their government employees, that should pass backgrounds. And then there's another individual who is going to be very key, in I think resetting the narrative upon Kennedy.

GLENN: Interesting. Anna, thank you so much. Interesting.

And you sound like you are. You know exactly what you're walking into. There's a new stat out this morning.

Over three times more people in DC are Googling criminal defense lawyer than anywhere else in the US right now.

So you've got a lot of people who are freaking out.

Keep up the good work.

God bless you.

Thank you.

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