The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Illegal Immigrants FLEE America as Trump Deportations Begin

President Trump’s mass deportation operation has begun and reports are already coming out that illegal immigrants are voluntarily deporting themselves! But the legacy media is in full panic mode, insisting that Americans should shed tears as Trump and the military rip children from their mothers. But is that actually what he’ll do? Glenn and Stu review what Trump’s real plan is. Plus, Glenn has a message for “sanctuary cities” like Chicago: “You’re only getting more people deported quicker.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Oh, boy. Stu, Al Sharpton is very upset. Very upset today.

STU: Oh, no.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He is very upset that companies are dropping the enforcement of diversity, equity, and inclusion policies. He said, why did we have DEI? We have DEI because you have denied us diversity. You denied us equity. You denied us inclusion.

If you want to put us in the back of the bus, we're going to do the Dr. King/Rosa Parks on you. I don't know if that's a new dance move or what.

STU: It's a TikTok dance.

GLENN: It's a TikTok dance. But, you know what, I really don't fear Al Sharpton.

STU: No?

GLENN: You know, used to be a fear of Al Sharpton with some. And no.

I don't think -- you watch how insignificant that is going to be.

Americans have heard it all. They've done it all.

They're not afraid of it anymore. Oh, my gosh. They're marching in front of us. Calling us racist.

Oh, my gosh.

Well, let's give them a little something to make them go away. They don't go away. Okay?

They don't go away!

You hire, and you take activists, bringing them into your company. Or you play ball with those activists.

Revolutionaries. That's all you're going to have left in the end. So congratulations with that. Saw that. It doesn't work.

No interest. It's not going to make a difference.

STU: It's a mindset change. You know.

GLENN: It is. It is.

STU: I remember the first time we got protested by one of these organizations.

And it was like, gosh, what's happening.

Wait a minute.

I didn't understand it. We came from a -- we started a local radio show, that wound up going national.

When you get to that level. These things start happening. And then like, I don't know. A few times after it occurs.

GLENN: You roll your eyes.

STU: You roll your eyes. When I go on Twitter. And you see something negative about you or whatever.

You just don't -- generally speaking, you just don't care.

It comes and goes. You just get to that point, none of it makes any difference to you. It becomes a superpower.

Because you just don't care about any of it.

GLENN: And especially now, nobody cares about it. Nobody cares about it. You know, do you mind being called -- now people are wearing that as a badge of honor.

Oh, Al Sharpton. Yeah. He came after me because I believed in actual diversity. Because I believed in actual racism. Was bad. I believed in that idea, and the best way to fight it, is to forget about color. And to just look for merit.

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I'm scared. It's not going to change anything.

Let me give you a couple of other things that Donald Trump -- in fact, I could go a full hour of the stuff just remaining in the last two hours, of the things he's done in the last 24.

President Donald Trump declared the global corporate minimum tax. Did you know we had one?


The Biden administration signed us up for this one.

A global minimal tax.

So, in other words, companies we promised. We promised the whole world, we're never going to have a tax rate lower than 15 percent.

The global minimum tax. Because that would be unfair. And Donald Trump said, yeah, screw you. We're not doing that. And let everyone know, that uh-uh. No. We're not going to do that.

Now, that doesn't mean we will have a tax lower than 15 percent.

STU: Let's do it! Let's embrace it.

GLENN: I would love it.

STU: I will say, when it comes to economic competition. I want to be unfair. I want to be the country, where everyone else is like, gosh, I've got to get there.

How do we get involved with them? That's exactly who I want to be. Not to mention, it really benefits the people here in the United States, more than all.

GLENN: Yeah. Now, not everybody agreed to it.

Because after Biden agreed to it, the pillar one talks. That should really scare you.

This is pillar one. The pillar one talks stalled. Because we just kind of lost interest, I guess.

Countries, Italy, France, UK. Turkey.

Weren't really excited about reinstating their digital taxes. And now with Donald Trump in, there's no way they will do it.

So congratulations to the rest of the world. We have helped set you free, again!

Now, Rand Paul has introduced some legislation to repeal Corporate Transparency Act.

This is so important. The CTA. Corporate Transparency Act.

We talked about this. This is -- this will protect small businesses, and it was signed into law as part of fiscal year 2021, the National Defense Authorization Act. What does this have to do with national defense?

It requires individuals with an ownership interest in a limited liability company. An LLC, to disclose all their personal information to the US Treasury Department's financial crimes enforcement network.

And they go after American small business owners. And any failure to comply could result in up to two years, in prison and up to $10,000 per violation.

So they are repealing that, or at least that has been introduced. Because, you know, farmers, restaurants, gyms.

Lawn service companies. All of these people -- what? I have to -- I have to register with the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Unit. I don't think so. No.

STU: That's a big one. We talked a lot. That one when it happened.

GLENN: That's a big, big, big one.

STU: Pain. Giant pain at the very least going away, hopefully.

GLENN: Yes. Also, an update on the border. The Southern Border, apparently, witnessed an outflow of persons, that came into the United States over the last four years.

I don't -- I don't know if you heard that.

There was an outflow of persons. Even on inauguration day.

Illegal aliens were voluntarily deporting themselves.

And saying, I --

STU: Yeah. You know, that's -- good! First of all.

That's -- if you're illegally, you should leave. You should leave. And you should leave on your own.

It's interesting.

There's a poll Axios had today.

Which is, the share of Americans who agree with immigration policies, like deporting immigrants, who are in the country illegally.

The number overall, 66 percent. So a popular -- a popular policy.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

STU: But they -- the take from Axios is, they don't agree with the ways to do it.

Right? And so they say, here are their examples of this.

Using active duty military to find undocumented immigrants.

Only let's say 38 percent agree with that.

Deporting immigrants that came to the US illegally as children, 34 percent agree.

Quickly deporting detained immigrants, even if it involves separating families or sending people to countries, other than their country of origin, 34 percent.

Using money allocated to pay for the US military for deportation, 28 percent.

Deporting immigrants who are in the country legally, 11 percent.

Who the hell is talking about deporting people in the country legally?

GLENN: And who is 27 percent or 25 percent for that?

STU: Yeah, it was 11 percent.

Now --

GLENN: Very well. Eleven.

STU: Right. But are any of those -- any of those policies really the policies you're talking about on a day-to-day basis? There are waves of this, right?

It starts with, obviously, criminals. That have committed other crimes. Then you have people who come in contact, with law enforcement for other things that they may have done. If you are busted. Let's say in a -- a raid of a factory.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STU: Those people would get deported now. As opposed to released and they would go to another factory.

Those types of things are the interactions that would lead to a deportation.

Like, they are trying to paint this picture. I heard all sorts of coverage on this, this morning. Like, we're going to have military members, going school to school, to find children, who are illegal immigrants and deport them.

GLENN: It's ridiculous.

STU: That's not what these policies are going to do.

And what more likely, the overwhelming majority of these, quote, unquote, deportations are going to be of the self-deportation variety.

When people start seeing that, hey. I got pulled over for, you know -- because I got in a car accident. Or whatever.

And, you know, the police came over. And they investigated. Found out, somehow, we're illegal immigrants.

You will get deported for something like that. People start seeing that.

They will be like, wait a minute. There's no longer this giant welcome mat. For us to come here illegally.

And that message --

GLENN: Right. It will be too much stress on the family. Too much.

And they will say, what will we do with the children? Take them back home with you. Yeah, what is wrong with you?

STU: You shouldn't just leave them here. What do you do, when you leave a park? You don't just leave them at the park. You take them with you.

GLENN: What do I do with children, when I take them to the park?

STU: You take them home with you.

And that is what a large portion of this, will be people saying. You know, and when we talk about this.

They say, oh, they're coming here to do jobs. And Americans won't do.

When we say those jobs aren't here.

They're not going to come. Right?

When we're not rewarding companies for giving jobs to illegal immigrants. Who are paying them less than the minimum wage.

GLENN: The majority of people are going to self-deport.

Also, the cities that are sanctuary cities are only making it worse. Because if they won't turn over the criminals. When they're released. Or they're in jail.

If they won't do that, then they release them. And our -- ICE needs to go find them.

And if they're hiding with the family and stuff like that or a different family, when we do find them, they'll bust everybody. They'll bust everybody.

So, you know, any sanctuary city that is saying, we're not going to help ICE. You're only helping more people get deported quicker.

And you're not really helping. Now, let me give you this from the Chicago Tribune.

When reports surfaced over the weekend, that mass deportations could potentially begin on the Chicago area on Tuesday.

Martin Ramos informed his boss he was taking time off from work. He stocked up on groceries and decided his kids would skip soccer practice this week.

Ramos, who immigrated from Guadalajara Mexico, without the necessary work permits, spent the first full day of Donald Trump's second presidency hunkered down with his family, trying to avoid being picked up by ICE agents.

An arrest, he knows, would destroy everything that he and his wife have worked for, and force their two boys into an uncertain future.

Force their two boys into an uncertain future. They're staying home from school because they play soccer. And they can't play soccer. We have to do everything possible to keep our children safe.

What will they do, if we get deported?

They will go home, with you!

ICE agents did not show up at the Juliet Factory where Ramos and his wife both work on Tuesday. But fear inflicted upon the employees there was evident.

A coworker told Ramos that only ten out of the typical 40 to 50 coworkers showed up.

In Little Village, one of Chicago's largest Mexican immigrant communities, streets were mostly deserted and quiet. Tamale vendors, a hardy group used to braving all kinds of weather, weren't lined up on the sidewalks.

The hardware store parking lots, where day laborers searched for work, were also largely empty.

So, in other words, they aren't hanging out with a sign that says, we'll work for food. We'll work for anything.

And picked up by construction workers that don't want to pay union workers in Chicago. Is that what I'm hearing from the Chicago Tribune?

The possibility of mass deportations have terrified some of the area's roughly 400,000 undocumented immigrants. Prompting many to skip work.

Keep their kids out of school. And stay hidden until the promised raids end.

They are not going to end. They are not going to end.

Now, Chicago is saying that they're not going to help at all.

That's okay.

That's okay.

Sunday mass at saint Agnes of Bohemia Catholic Church was unusually empty. And the church personally advised a group of street vendors, based on the southwest side to stay home during the week.

Until they will learn how ICE will operate. Out of the thirteen street vendors, only one was out there. Most vendors declined to speak to the Tribune out of fear, they might be identified and targeted.

People are hiding. They call me and ask me what to do. But my hands are tied. I don't think anyone knows what to do. Yeah. Here's what you do.

You tell them to go home!

You tell them that this government is serious about applying the laws, equally. And holding on to those laws.

And you then tell all minorities, in Chicago, you know, I've got to tell you, if your city continues to defy federal law, then your city is going to get funding, cut off from the federal government.

Let the minorities know that they are embraced bit federal government. But due to the city and the state's stance on protection of those who come here illegally and took your jobs and receive things the Democrats would have never given to you, or any other American.

The federal government only has one lever. And that is: To shut off the funding to Chicago.

So recognize who the bad guy here is. It's up to you, Chicago. It's up to you to stand up.

Now, the question is, are you going to stand up with illegals? Are you going to stand up for the absolute vast minority? Are you going to stand up against the minorities in your city, that are Americans?

Because they've been protesting this whole time, saying, wait.

Why are we getting the shaft, and these guys are getting hotel rooms, and free food, and everything else.

You never gave us any of that stuff.

Yeah. Well, it's time for Chicago to wake up. And these states will either be absolutely left behind, or they will wake up.

And that goes for California too. You are going to see that choice on Friday.

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