Photo: Ford, Brad
In light of recent reports of deceptive activity, Portland General Electric (PGE) customers should be aware of common misleading practices and ways they can protect themselves and their information.
Since the beginning of 2024, customers have reported more than 1,117 instances of scams or misleading activities to PGE’s Customer Service Advisors, 783 of these targeting residential customers.
While most deceptive practices reported to PGE target residential customers, businesses – especially small business owners – are also at risk. Scammers use various tactics to deceive unsuspecting customers, including posing as PGE representatives, making misleading phone calls, texts, social media messages and emails.
The following tips can help customers recognize and protect themselves against fraudulent activities:
PGE will never ask customers to pay their bill with a prepaid card, digital payment apps, cryptocurrencies or direct transactions with banking institutions.
Register online or download the PGE mobile app to check account status and verify approved methods of payment. PGE representatives will never contact customers and ask for sensitive personal information such as social security numbers or banking information.
Be suspicious of urgent threats or pressuring language around bill disconnects or payment.
Scammers often rely on a victim’s uncertainty and panic over the prospect of a threatened power shutoff to pressure immediate payment. Contact PGE customer service to verify account status and payment options if someone unexpectedly threatens immediate disconnection.
Don’t assume the name and number on caller ID are legitimate.
Call PGE directly to verify account information (503-228-6322), using the phone number on PGE monthly bill or from PGE’s website – not a number provided by an unexpected phone call or household visit from someone claiming to be a PGE representative.
Be aware when clicking links in emails or texts.
Use caution when opening unexpected emails or texts asking for account information, bill payment or claiming to be directly from a PGE employee. Double check links for authenticity before clicking on them, they may be part of a phishing campaign designed to obtain personal information.
Verify the identity of in-person utility representatives. If it is a PGE employee, they will be able to show a PGE badge and identification.
There have been reports of people impersonating a PGE employee or claiming to be affiliated with the company while engaging in misleading sales tactics or pressuring customers for immediate payment on a bill. Always ask to see a visitor’s employee badge and call PGE (503-228-6322) to verify identity if needed.
Call the police immediately if the person is an imposter. Call 911 if in physical danger.
If a customer thinks their information has been compromised or they have been victim to a scam related to a PGE account, report the incident to PGE at (503-228-6322). Customer service advisors continuously monitor for scam attempts and work closely with customers to reduce these incidents.
For more information on how to stay safe from scams, visit PGE’s Fraud Alert webpage. PGE’s customer service team is available to address any concerns and provide support and can be reached at (503-228-6322).
Source: PGE