Congressman Bluemanuer To Skip State Of The Union Address

earl blumenauer

Oregon Representative Earl Blumenauer plans to skip the President's State of the Union Address Tuesday night.

Blumenauer released the following statement:

“I have chosen not to dignify Trump’s parade of lies about health care, his persistent exaggeration, and his personal attacks with my attendance at this year’s State of the Union Address. His appalling performances each day continue to justify that decision, and I have no doubt tomorrow night will be more of the same—even possibly worse.

That is why I’ve chosen to invite a person whose experiences illustrate the fight against Trump’s worst instincts on health care. Michelle Freedman, a mother, Oregonian, and caretaker of a child with Type 1 diabetes, has been fighting for lower drug prices, access to care, and protecting those with pre-existing conditions for over a decade. She is a shining example of the commitment and sacrifice necessary to be a caregiver, and a sobering illustration of the challenges millions of Americans face just to keep their family healthy and safe. House Democrats have delivered on legislation to relieve some of those challenges, and Mitch McConnell continues to leave it in the Senate graveyard.

Trump’s State of the Union will likely be a continuation of the lies and division he’s perpetuated since even before he took office. I will instead be organizing our vision for the future and focus on restoring our nation’s values.”

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