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Photos: KATU
There were competing demonstrations in downtown Portland Saturday afternoon.
Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys planned a demonstration at Waterfront Park. Counter-demonstrators held a rally outside Portland City Hall and then marched to Naito Parkway.
Portland Police kept counter-demonstrators on the West side of Naito Parkway.
Portland Police were checking people for illegal weapons. Some of the items seized include bats, shields and apparent pepper spray.
When Patriot Prayer began marching the counter-demonstrators followed.
Portland Police say demonstrators started throwing rocks and bottles and officers responded with flash bang devices. They also used pepper spray, rubber bullets and beanbag rounds.
Several people were hurt, including an Oregonian reporter who had a gash on his head. The Oregonian reports Eder Campuzano is expected to be ok.
Four people were arrested:
27-year-old Robert J Majure was arrested near Southwest Naito Parkway and Southwest Columbia Street on charges of Harassment and Resist Arrest.
45-year-old Tracy L Molina was arrested near Southwest 2nd Avenue and Southwest Columbia Street on charges of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Attempt Assault on a Public Safety Officer.
28-year-old Tristan I Rominemann was arrested near Southwest Naito Parkway and Southwest Columbia Street on charges of Interfering with a Police Officer and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree, and Harassment.
34-year-old Joseph C Evans was arrested near Southwest 2nd Avenue and Southwest Jefferson Street on charges of Recklessly Endangering Another Person and Unlawful Use of a Weapon.
"The Portland Police Bureau is, and will always be, committed to providing a safe environment for all individuals to exercise their First Amendments rights in a peaceful manner," said Chief Danielle Outlaw. "Unfortunately, today, some people chose to commit illegal acts of violence, which required members of the Police Bureau to take action in order to keep all participants and non-participants safe. This was a dangerous situation for all those involved, including officers, and I am disheartened that this kind of illegal behavior occurred in our beautiful city."
The four people who were arrested will be arraigned Monday.