Tunnel Boring Machine Needs Name

Photo: Leon Neal / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images tunnel boring machine file photo

Clackamas Water Environment Services needs help naming their tunnel boring machine.

It's tradition to name the machine before it starts digging a half-mile long, nine-foot-diameter pipeline to carry treated water from the Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility to the Willamette River. The project will take seven months to complete.

Here are some names of other tunnel boring machines:

  • San Jose BART's TBM was named "Shai-Hulud" after the giant worms in the Dune sci-fi series.
  • Seattle's Ship Canal Water Quality Project named their TBM "MudHoney" after a Seattle grunge music band.
  • Glasgow's Resilience Project named their TBM "Cruella de Drill", a homage to the 101 Dalmatians movie.

You can enter your name for the tunnel boring machine on the Clackamas Water Environment Services website.

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