50 Years Growing Seeds

Photo: Ford, Brad

As the J.E. Schroeder Seed Orchard marks its 50th anniversary, its impressive history of forest conservation and genetic mastery in Oregon's Willamette Valley is in the spotlight. 

Initially envisioned for a state prison, the 400-acre site near St. Paul was bought by Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) in 1973, becoming one of Oregon's main sources for tree seeds. Today, it aids in regrowing forests critical to the state's economy, environment, and societal well-being. 

Don Kaczmarek, ODF Geneticist, emphasized the orchard’s commitment to traditional breeding, stating, "Currently the orchard is in its third breeding cycle. The first cycle was from wild parent trees that are tested to determine which produce the best progeny, then placing them in the orchard. The second cycle crosses the best selected progenies from the first cycle. The third cycle is currently being monitored with in-place progeny tests and will be monitored for the next 10 years or so. Douglas-fir and Western hemlock are our two most advanced breeding programs." 

The orchard refrains from genetic modifications, focusing on natural traits like increased growth rates, widespread adaptability, and insect and disease resistance. Such efforts have addressed challenges like the Swiss needle cast, a disease notorious for defoliating Douglas-firs in their first and second years. 

From its inception, the seed orchard has thrived as a cooperative venture. Today, it boasts 38 separate seed orchards, with 70 percent of efforts going towards improved Douglas-fir. Each orchard is monitored and maintained for a diverse group of 28 cooperators, including federal agencies, ODF, tribes, and private companies. 

Over the last 20 years, 28,000 pounds of Douglas-fir seeds have been harvested, capable of reforesting around 1.3 million acres in the western regions of Oregon and Washington. "Roughly 95 percent of the Douglas-fir in these regions originates from improved seeds from orchards like ours," Kaczmarek said. 

Beyond seed production, the seed orchard aims to become the most cost-effective seed producer in the Pacific Northwest. Staff are refining techniques and collaborating with partners like Oregon State University to pinpoint the best genetic sources, ensuring the future of Oregon's forests remains green and resilient and is an invaluable asset to a sustainable timber industry in Oregon. 

J.E. Schroeder Seed Orchard will host its 50th anniversary celebration in May 2024. The event will be hosted by Casara Nichols, J.E. Schroeder Seed Orchard Manager, and seed orchard staff.

Source: Oregon Department of Forestry

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