Fire Burns In Bull Run Watershed

Photo: Oregon Department of Forestry

Around 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 24, a lightning strike sparked a wildfire in the Bull Run Watershed. The current approximate size of the Camp Creek Fire is 35 acres. The fire is located on US Forest Service land on Forest Service Road 1210, just over 3 miles away from the Water Bureau’s Headworks treatment facility. The U.S. Forest Service, Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), and local fire response agencies are on the scene and have activated a ground crew, a helicopter and plane to combat the fire.

The U.S. Forest Service is the lead agency in fighting this fire. The Portland Water Bureau does not have a direct firefighting role but provides critical information about the watershed, our facilities and operations to help guide the Forest Service in their response in the area. 

Gabriel Solmer, Portland Water Bureau Director, says the strong partnership with the forest service is critical to the protection of our drinking water supply.

“The Portland Water Bureau is grateful that U.S. Forest Service has prioritized protection of the Bull Run Watershed among the many concerns caused by the fire. We’ll continue to do everything we can to support the fire response agencies and coordinate with them to protect our water supply and facilities in the watershed and to keep our staff safe.” 

The U.S. Forest Service prepares and updates a Fire Protection Plan for the Bull Run Management Unit in consultation with the Portland Water Bureau and the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Source: Portland Water Bureau

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