Portlanders Invited To Help SOLVE Clean Up

Photo: SOLVE

SOLVE invites you to the Portland Business District Cleanup, sponsored by The Standard. This cleanup event will take place on Wednesday, February 15th, from 9 AM to 11 AM.

Check-in will be staggered, with volunteers having the opportunity to check into the event between 8:45 AM to 9:30 AM. Volunteers will be equipped with safety information and litter cleanup supplies before dispersing into the surrounding neighborhood to collect litter. At the end of the two-hour event, volunteers will return to the check-in location for proper disposal of collected litter items.

By volunteering, you are helping to beautify our city streets and ensure our waterways and local wildlife stay healthy. Keep our rivers and streets clean, enjoy the sights of Downtown Portland, and know that the work you are engaging in has many benefits for our community, local businesses, and the environment. 

Collected litter items can range from tiny bits of plastic or cardboard to cigarette butts and even discarded clothing items. Each item collected, whether tiny or large, makes a significant impact on reducing the amount of litter that enters the Willamette River and ultimately moves downstream to the Pacific Ocean.

Sign up for the Portland Business District Cleanup, sponsored by The Standard, and have a role in reinvigorating Portland’s beloved business district! Getting involved is as easy as registering by using the link below:


Source: SOLVE

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