TriMet Considered Fare Increase

The TriMet Board of Directors has asked TriMet staff to formalize a fare increase proposal for its consideration that, if approved, would take effect Jan. 1, 2024.

At a Board retreat on Nov. 9, 2022, several Board members cited the need for TriMet to increase fare revenue and overall revenue to provide financial stability for transit operations, as well as address the inflationary increases in the cost of operating the transit system. With a majority of the Board voicing support for a 2024 fare increase, Board President Linda Simmons directed TriMet staff to move forward on the process to bring a formal fare increase ordinance before the Board. The first reading of the ordinance will occur at the Board’s April 26, 2023 meeting, with a second reading and vote at its May 24, 2023 meeting.

The Board directed staff to further develop a package of fare changes, for its consideration, that include the following increases:

  • Adult 2 ½ hour ticket—increase 30 cents to $2.80
  • Honored Citizen 2 ½ hour ticket—increase 15 cents to $1.40
  • Youth 2 ½ hour ticket—increase 15 cents to $1.40
  • LIFT paratransit single ride—increase 30 cents to $2.80

If approved in May 2023, any fare changes would take effect January 1, 2024.

Title VI analysis and mitigation

TriMet will conduct a Title VI fare equity analysis to determine what impacts a fare increase would have on people of color and those who live on a low income, and we’ll work with the community to determine opportunities to mitigate such impacts.

Public outreach and engagement

TriMet will launch a public outreach and engagement campaign beginning in December 2022, to inform and educate riders, employees and community members about the proposed fare increase. This will include hosting several in-person and virtual events and an online portal to capture feedback. The public is also invited to attend TriMet Board of Director meetings, and they can sign up to provide comment during the public forum at the start of each meeting. People will also be able to testify after the reading of the ordinance at the April 26, 2023 meeting and during the public forum at the Board’s May 24, 2023 meeting. The Board will vote on the ordinance at the May meeting. All public comment will be shared with the Board. More on the public engagement will be announced in early December.

Source: TriMet

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