Governor Signs Executive Order To Improve Equity In State Purchasing

Photo: Brad Newgard

Governor Kate Brown today issued Executive Order 22-15, which directs state agencies to take specific steps, over several years, to improve equity in state procurement and contracting. The Executive Order is a result of proposals from the Racial Justice Council’s (RJC) Procurement and Contracting Equity Workgroup, aimed at embedding equity into state procurement and contracting processes.

“Despite previous work to promote diversity and inclusion in state procurement practices, there continues to be gaps and barriers for businesses owned by people of color, women, and veterans, as well as emerging small businesses,” said Governor Brown. “With this order, we will take further steps to promote greater equity in state contracting. I’d like to thank the members of the RJC for their work on developing thoughtful proposals to help us root equity in state procurement and create economic prosperity for all Oregonians.”

“The RJC Procurement and Contracting Equity Workgroup proposals push state procurement of goods and services beyond spending by supporting opportunities to narrow the racial wealth gap,” said Jan Mason, co-chair of the workgroup. “This Executive Order is a tremendous step towards ensuring our state investments enable equitable opportunities towards wealth mobility, particularly for economically disadvantaged and underrepresented minority-owned businesses.”

Executive Order 22-15 includes directives to all state agencies regarding:

  • Embedding an equity lens in all aspects of state procurement processes;
  • Improving data collection and data transparency;
  • Proactive outreach and engagement;
  • Staff training; and
  • Accountability.

In addition, the Executive Order includes directives to specific state agencies, including Business Oregon, regarding business support and capacity building; the Oregon Department of Transportation, regarding public works project planning, procurement equity, and contract compliance; and the Department of Administrative Services, regarding an agency-led Procurement Equity Workgroup.

Executive Order 22-15 rescinds and replaces EO 18-03.

Source: Oregon Governor's Office

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