Suspect Arrested For Alleged Bias Crimes

An assault on the Eastbank Esplanade has resulted in the arrest of a suspect and Bias Crime charges.

On Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 3:45p.m., Central Precinct Officers were dispatched to a report of an assault in progress the Eastbank Esplanade, just south of the Hawthorne Bridge. As officers responded, they learned that the suspect was leaving the scene. Officers located and detained the suspect nearby.

Officers contacted the victims, a 36-year-old man from California and his 5-year-old daughter, and learned that they were hurt but they did not require immediate medical attention. Officers learned that the man was riding bikes with his wife and daughter when the suspect approached, made comments about his perception that they were of Japanese descent, and began punching the man in his head. The suspect then punched the 5-year-old girl in her bike helmet numerous times. Nearby witnesses quickly intervened and the suspect began walking away. Several witnesses remained at the scene and provided statements to investigating officers.

Dylan J. Kesterson, 34, was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center on charges of Bias Crime in the First Degree and Bias Crime in the Second Degree (2 counts).

The Bureau investigates all reports of bias-motivated crimes and encourages any member of our community who is the victim of such a crime to contact law enforcement. Under Oregon law, bias crimes are defined as any criminal act that targets a victim based on the suspect's perception of the victim's race, color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or national origin. Detectives work to determine whether or not bias elements are present during the reported crime that align with Oregon law as defined in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS):

* ORS 166.165 - Bias Crime in the First Degree -

* ORS 166.155 - Bias Crime in the Second Degree -

If you have been the victim of a bias crime assault or you are witnessing one, immediately call 9-1-1. If you have been the victim of a different bias crime and the suspect is no longer present, such as vandalism or graffiti, please call the non-emergency line at 503-823-3333.

To learn more about bias crime investigations and reported bias/hate crime statistics within the City of Portland, please visit

Source: Portland Police

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