Naito Parkway Paving Resumes Tuesday

As work nears final completion on the Portland Bureau of Transportation’s (PBOT) SW Naito Parkway Improvement Project, street paving has been scheduled for next week on SW Naito Parkway from SW Harrison to Market.

People traveling in the area should expect detours and delays from July 5 to 10.

Construction is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, July 5 and should be complete by Sunday evening July 10. Crews will work to pave the final "top lift" of asphalt in this section of roadway, completing the final phase of the pavement maintenance work for the project.

People driving on SW Naito should expect delays and detours. At times, people driving south on Naito Parkway will be detoured at Market to S Harbor Drive and people driving northbound will be detoured at Harrison to SW Fourth Avenue.

People driving on SW Market and SW Harrison should expect delays and flaggers through the work zone on Naito Parkway. People walking, biking and rolling should expect delays as flaggers assist them through the work zone. Nearby residents and businesses can expect construction noise.

The road should be reopened with temporary striping in place on Monday, July 11.

This work is weather dependent and the schedule is subject to change. 

Source: Portland Bureau of Transportation

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