Convention Center Vaccination Clinic Changes Registration

The four health systems Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health, OHSU, and Providence Health & Services, operating the All4Oregon Vaccination effort at the Oregon Convention Center, have partnered with the Oregon Health Authority that will help alleviate the challenges people have faced when attempting to schedule a vaccine appointment.

On Thursday of this week, over 400,000 attempts were made to make appointments at either the Oregon Convention Center or at the PDX Red Economy Parking Lot for appointments available on that day.

To support the registration process when people become eligible for the vaccine, the four-county area effort will be adopting the process of signing up and being notified when a dose is available that has been successful in many other states.

Starting Monday, The Oregon Health Authority will send All4Oregon a list of eligible seniors. OHA will utilize their existing sign-up registry to identify those eligible for the vaccine. People who already have an appointment will not be impacted by this change.

The PDX Red Economy Parking Lot site will continue its online schedule release on Monday. The OHA bot will be updated to do the following: seniors with mobility needs, caregivers and individuals with disabilities and their caregivers will continue to be offered appointments at PDX. All other groups will receive an updated message that Oregon Convention Center scheduling is currently closed and they should sign up at the Get Vaccinated tool to be notified when future appointments are available.

People who already have an appointment will not be impacted by this change.

Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health, OHSU, and Providence Health & Services, the four systems behind the mass vaccination effort, have delivered over 131,000 vaccines since beginning operations on January 25, 2021. For the last nine days, more than 5,000 people have been vaccinated daily.

The process will be further improved as vaccinations at the COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Site at the Oregon Convention Center moves to a larger space, allowing more daily vaccinations once additional vaccine supply is available. It will provide easier access for people with mobility challenges. In short, All4Oregon is working.

All4Oregon partners are honored to be part what has happened quickly and effectively vaccinate thousands of Oregonians in such a short period of time. All4Oregon commits that when the Oregon Health Authority notifies you that it is your turn, your experience will be positive.

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