31 Oregon Counties Approved For Re-opening

Governor Kate Brown announces the counties that can begin entering Phase I of reopening on May 15 under her framework for building a safe and strong Oregon. Qualifying counties demonstrated that they met all of Oregon’s safety and preparedness prerequisites for reopening, as well as a declining prevalence of COVID-19.

"In each of these counties we will continue to monitor testing rates, effectiveness at contract tracing and isolation of new cases, hospitalization rates and other metrics that are required to remain open in Phase One," said Governor Brown. “I am focused on protecting the health and safety of Oregonians, while understanding that job losses have a negative impact on public health––both physical and emotional health.”

Of the 33 counties that applied to reopen on May 15, 31 counties were approved. (Three Portland Metro-area counties did not apply to reopen on May 15.) The applications for Marion and Polk counties were not approved, and those counties will be monitored for seven days to see if conditions in those counties have improved.

Oregonians can view the reopening status of their county, as well as sector-specific guidance documents with more information about the reopening process, at coronavirus.oregon.gov.

Statewide Guidelines

In counties not entering Phase I the following guidelines take effect or remain in effect beginning May 15:

• Grocery stores, pharmacies, banks and credit unions, and gas stations are all open.

• Restaurants are open for take-out service only.

• Stand alone retail operations are open provided they meet required safety and physical distancing guidelines.

• Indoor and outdoor malls are closed.

• Local outdoor recreation activities are open, including many state parks.

• Non-emergency medical care, dentist offices and veterinary care are open and operating, provided they meet required safety guidelines.

• Local cultural, civic and faith gatherings are allowed for up to 25 people provided physical distancing can be in place.

• Local social gatherings over 10 people are prohibited and those under 10 people must use physical distancing.

• Personal care services such as salons and barbers, as well as gyms, are closed.

• Child care is open under certain restrictions, with priority placements for children of health care workers, first responders, and frontline workers.

• Summer camp and summer school program guidelines are forthcoming.

Phase I Counties

In counties approved for Phase I, the following additional areas can operate if they comply with sector-specific health and safety guidance beginning May 15:

• Restaurants, bars, and other such establishments for dine-in service until 10 pm

• Personal services businesses

• All retail businesses, including malls and shopping centers

• Gyms and other fitness facilities

• Local gatherings of up to 25 people

Gyms and Fitness Guidance

Gyms and other fitness facilities in counties that have reopened for Phase I will be required to follow new health and safety guidance as well. The new guidance is available here.

Source: State of Oregon

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