Hawthorne Bridge Ramp Closures

The eastbound ramp to the Hawthorne Bridge will be closed to all modes of traffic from 8 pm on Monday, January 28 until 6 am on Tuesday, January 29 as a contractor sets up a work zone for ramp work related to Multnomah County’s new Central Courthouse. The work will close traffic lanes and a sidewalk until as late as May.

The Central Courthouse is being built on a block that once had an onramp from southbound SW Naito Parkway to the eastbound Hawthorne Bridge. The ramp closed in 1997. 

The project will remove a portion of the onramp that connected to the south side of the bridge above the southbound lanes of SW Naito Parkway. A new outside edge to the ramp will be built, topped by a parapet wall and handrail. A new staircase will link the south sidewalk of the Hawthorne Bridge onramp to the west sidewalk on SW Naito Parkway.

Traffic impacts and schedule are:

January 28 Night: Both eastbound lanes on the SW Madison St. onramp closed between SW First Ave. and the onramp from northbound SW Naito Parkway from 8 pm Monday to 6 am Tuesday. South sidewalk and bike lane closed on ramp. Eastbound access to the Hawthorne Bridge for all modes will be from the northbound onramp from SW Naito Parkway and stairs from Waterfront Park. The north sidewalk of the bridge will be open. The Morrison Bridge is a good alternate crossing for drivers.

January 29 – Mid February:  Weeknight southbound and northbound lane closures on SW Naito Parkway (8 pm to 6 am). The outside (right) lane and sidewalk remain closed on eastbound Hawthorne Bridge ramp during demolition, construction of concrete falsework.  Inside eastbound lane and bike lane are open and all eastbound lanes and south sidewalk open east of SW Naito Parkway.

Mid February – Early May: Shift to daytime work with off-peak lane closures on SW Naito Parkway during final concrete work, installation of railing, light poles and signs. Sidewalk and outside (right) lane remain closed on SW Madison ramp between SW First Ave. and east side of SW Naito Parkway.

Mid-May: Complete construction

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