Portland Police Chief Reorganizes Some Divisions

portland police

Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw announces changes to several divisions while adding an Inspector General.

Chief Danielle Outlaw has announced the Portland Police Bureau will made some organizational changes, effective July 11, 2019: The Community Services Division is being created, which will report directly to the Chief. This Division will include units that have a citywide approach: the Behavioral Health Unit; Community Engagement Officer; the Homeless Community Liaison (who is currently in the background process); and a civilian Community Engagement Specialist position that currently has not been filled. This Division will be led by Acting Captain Chuck Lovell.

The Chief has also announced the creation of the Office of Inspector General, which will manage the Policy Development Team, the Force Inspector and eight analysts. This team will also be a direct report to the Chief. The purpose in restructuring is to enhance the Bureau's internal accountability and auditing functions. This Office will be led by Mary Claire Buckley, who is currently an Analyst III working on DOJ compliance.

Another recent change includes combining the Human Trafficking Unit and the Sex Trafficking Unit. These units are now housed under the Detective Division and will enhance the Bureau's citywide approach to human trafficking. The Portland Police Bureau recently received a grant which will fund hire three advocates who will work with the unit and the survivors to improve the Bureau's ability to assist those who have been subject to these crimes.

"These strategic moves bring together units that may have overlapping services so they can work more collaboratively," said Chief Danielle Outlaw. "These divisions will be direct reports to me, and the focus will be on improving continuity of their work product and services as well as enhancing the Bureau's accountability functions to better meet the community's expectations."

Source: Portland Police Bureau

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