Oregon Air National Guard To Help After Florence

Members of the Oregon Air National Guard’s 125th Special Tactics Squadron mobilized to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, Sept. 12, 2018, to provide humanitarian support for Hurricane Florence relief.

Approximately 12 Oregon Air National Guardsmen departed from the Portland Air National Guard Base at 2:00 p.m. on a California Air National Guard C-130 Hercules aircraft headed to Dover Air Force Base. They will forward deploy from Dover after the Hurricane passes through. The Airmen are prepared to conduct rescue operations as well as reestablish air fields that may become inoperable due to the hurricane.

“This is one of our many missions to protect and serve the United States of America.” said 142nd Fighter Wing Vice Commander Col. Todd Hofford. “We have a very elite group of special operations forces that include Air Force combat controllers and pararescuemen that have a unique skill set in this time of need.”

Along with the Airmen, the Special Tactics Squadron brought inflatable Zodiac boats, all-terrain vehicles, and mini-bikes to aid in their operations. 

Source: Oregon Military Department

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