Portland To Develop Strategic Plan For Police Bureau

portland police

The Portland Police Bureau is embarking on the creation of a five-year strategic plan that will be a guiding document for the future. The strategic plan will prioritize the Bureau's goals and objectives; outline how the Bureau will meet its strategic goals and objectives, provide metrics to assess the Bureau's performance; and ensure communication of progress to all stakeholders. 

"The development of a strategic plan requires careful planning and thoughtful engagement of communities within Portland as well as our own employees," said Chief Danielle Outlaw. "To support this work, we will follow the pillars of 21st Century Policing to promote positive interaction between the police and the community and to build trust. This means that the three key principles of this process will be inclusion, collaboration and transparency." 

The Bureau has hired a professional facilitator who will assist in gathering insights in the future vision for the Portland Police Bureau related to: Crime Reduction and Prevention, Community Engagement and Inclusion, Community Policing, Organizational Excellence, Police Wellness and Safety, Bureau Leadership, and Building Trust and Legitimacy. 

Information will be gathered through: 

  • Interviews with City Council members, Bureau leadership, and mid-level managers; 
  • 15 community focus groups that seek particular community voices, including social services that deal with mental health and houselessness issues, leaders of the African American community, and language-specific meetings held in Spanish, Russian, and Vietnamese; 
  • 4 Bureau focus groups of officers, sergeants, detectives, criminalists, and professional staff; 
  • 2 public forums for large group dialogue with the community at large; 
  • A community survey and an internal survey for individual input from the community at large.

The process will be guided by a Steering Committee, comprised of Bureau members and community members, who will provide recommendations to Chief Outlaw on the project's process and contents of the strategic plan drafted from the gathered input. The draft strategic plan will be presented to Bureau members and community members for feedback and validation. The Bureau expects to complete this process by next June. 

For more information about the strategic planning process, to watch the Chief's video on the subject or to learn how to become involved, visit: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/76886 

Source: Portland Police Bureau

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