$10,000 Cash Donation Made To Red Kettle

The Salvation Army has been ringing the bell to raise funds for the people of Portland for over 130 years. Nearly 40% of the funds used for year-round services comes from the few weeks that The Salvation Army is out collecting money in their Red Kettles. Most people put in loose change or small bills; which really adds up; but when a $100 bill is found, it is something that is celebrated and often very unexpected. So Wednesday night, when The Salvation Army -- Portland Moore Street Corps were opening their kettles to prepare their daily deposits, imagine their surprise when they saw, not just one $100 bill, but one-hundred $100 bills, totaling a whopping $10,000 in one kettle! 

"It's incredible!" exclaims Captain Marcos Marquez, Corps Officer of The Salvation Army -- Portland Moore Street Corps. "Whoever did this knows the good that will come of it; and while we do not know who put the money in the kettle, since the money was all in cash, they should know that we are very grateful to have received such a generous donation." 

To date, it is believed that this is the largest cash donation put in a single kettle in the Portland area; and it comes at a time when many suffering from giving fatigue post the many disasters which occurred over the summer time; but whoever made this large donation understood that there are many needs to be addressed right in Portland. Money that is put in The Salvation Army Red Kettles stay in the communities in which they were received; helping the people in that community with the many services that The Salvation Army provide. For north Portland, $10,000 dollars will be doing a lot of good; providing services for those in most need. 

Source: Salvation Army

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