Hole Investigated Near Highway 26


A city sewer camera revealed that the cause was an abandoned pipe about 15 feet down that had not been properly decommissioned. One lane of the road was closed briefly Friday after the morning commute to bring in necessary equipment but the hole caused no other traffic disruptions and the safety of the road was never in jeopardy.

State crews will work with the City of Portland on the best way to plug the pipe and close off the hole.

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ODOT crews are investigating a hole that was discovered outside the eastbound lanes of U.S. 26 Sunset Highway between the Zoo and Jefferson Street off-ramp.

Thursday, ODOT geologists determined that U.S. 26 remained safe with no threat to travelers.

Friday, ODOT along with the City of Portland began a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the hole and its extent. This investigation will determine necessary next steps.

Here is the plan for investigation:

  • ODOT and City the Portland will use underground cameras to look at the hole and inside the surrounding utility pipes.
  • Crew will open the utility access hole in the right lane of U.S. 26. This will require up to a two hour closure of the right lane that will take place sometime after 9 a.m. Friday.
  • Geologists will remove some of the soil around the hole to continue geological investigations.

The hole was discovered in an area where contractors are placing conduit for the new highway message signs as part of the expansion of the ODOT RealTime system.

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